Hot Glue Rapid Turbo Rails Prototype Builder
Hot Glue Rapid Turbo Rails Prototype Builder

Rapid Prototype Scaffold Builder for Rails 7

Hot Glue is Rails-Made-Easy

Imagine having a handy toolkit for Rails Turbo that did the hard work for you.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Create your Author & Post models

Rails Generate Model authors
Rails Generate Model authors

Then define ActiveRecord relationships

Define Rails Turbo has_many and belongs_to relationships

Use Hot Glue Rapid prototype scaffolding for Rails Turbo to generate Posts scaffolding

Generate code with Hot Glue Rapid Prototype builder for Rails Turbo

Use Hot Glue Rapid prototype scaffolding for Rails Turbo to generate Authors scaffolding

Generate code with Hot Glue Rapid Prototype builder for Rails Turbo

Your scaffolding is ready

Authors and Posts example using Hot Glue Rapid Prototype builder for Rails Turbo

Rails Turbo is based on an old concept from the early days of computing — dating back to the 1970s.

The concept is called “dumb terminals” and it means that the computer screen you use is for display only. In the ‘dumb terminal’ world, the majority of the computing will happen in the cloud.

For Turbo Rails apps, that means we'll render the HTML on the server, not in the client. When the client & server talk to one another, the server will send "HTML over the wire" (Hotwire) to change out parts of our page.

That's all part of Rails 7. Hot Glue is a tool you can use to build Turbo Rails 7 code very quickly and easily.

Unlike other scaffolding, once built, the code lives in your app and does not depend on Hot Glue. It is yours and you are free to customize it as you need.

Even if you implement your own authentication or pick from the many good authentication gems available, Hot Glue provides a sophisticated access control model for building secure and performant UIs around your existing code.

Devise Built-In

Jump-starting your Rails development with the Devise Gem means the daunting task of authentication is already taken care of for you.

Starfish Access Control

By default, users can create & edit records they “own” (the object has matching user_id), or any children of those records through nested relationships.

Ideal for Admin Dashboards

Admin dashboards can be made using the --gd flag, which creates a controller with access to all records.

The Swiss-Army Knife of Rails Scaffold Building

Any Field Supported

String, Text, Boolean, Integers, Foreign Keys, Date & Time Fields, Enums too!

Hot Glue Rapid Rails Turbo prototype builder creates interfaces with String, Text, Boolean, Integers, Foreign Keys, Enums too


Turn fields into "visible only" with a switch:

show only feature for Hot Glue Rapid Prototype builder for Rails Turbo


Hot Glue supports Rails Nested Routing Automatically

Hot Glue supports Rails Nested Routing Automatically


Nest scaffolds within scaffolds to create portals of related records

Hot Glue Nest scaffolds within scaffolds to create portals of related records

Built-in Validation

Automatically takes your model validation and displays errors visually to the screen

Automatically takes your model validation and displays them visually to the screen Hot Glue Rapid Prototype Rails Turbo development scaffold builder


Automatically fit everything into a Bootstrap 12-column grid, stacking fields if needed.

Smart layouts can be used with Hot Glue to fit your layout into a 12-column bootstrap grid. Rails Rapid Prototype Rails Turbo development scaffolding builder


Quickly & Easily Add Buttons

Hot Glue lets you easily add buttons rapid Prototype Rails Turbo development scaffolding

With such a variety of Gems and Rails engines in the ecosystem, Rails can be used for almost any project and by most developers at any skill level or learning stage. Using Hot Glue can help you level-up your game. You'll be able to prototype applications a record time. This will give you a competitive advantage.

The pros of Ruby on Rails outweigh the cons. Remember, being able to add or remove fields is absolute essential in the first, second, and third year of your startup or tech venture. That's why staying agile, tested, and in Rails makes sense for most new startups and ventures.

Startups, from small to large to large multinational corporations, are beginning to understand that Ruby on Rails is the best web framework for creating web applications quickly and efficiently. If you're new to the tech world when it comes to building apps and learning to code, Hot Glue is a perfect learning toolkit. As a rapid prototype development toolkit for building Rails scaffolding, Hot Glue is your ideal companion for prototyping your idea. The popularity of this framework has a lot to do with the Ruby on Rails gem that allows for rapid prototyping and testing, which really reduces the time to write applications so that new products can be brought to market faster.

Hot Glue will get you there even faster!

The Hot Glue Tutorial + License ($60) will walk you through the basic features of Hot Glue and how to get started today. If you'd rather just go for the License Only option it's $50 and can be purchased here.

How frustrating are web interfaces that have clunky slow page reloads? How about non-intuitive errors that prevent entire flows from completing?

Rails Turbo and Hot Glue can make these problems a thing of the past.

(Note: License-only option available for U.S. customers only at this time. International customers may purchase the tutorial on Teachable.)

(Note: International customers may be charged additional VAT once you enter your location depending on your locality.)

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